Winter and Bedbugs

Biting pests such as mosquitoes, gnats, black flies, and other outside pests, go away during the winter because they are directly affected by the cold temperatures outside. Bed bugs live almost exclusively inside where temperatures are warmer. If the temperatures in a home feel like spring or summer, bed bugs Continue Reading

Yellowjacket Wasp

Yellow jacket species are smaller than other wasps but more aggressive. They’re more likely to sting than other wasps, but their stings hurt less. At a glance, wasps and yellow jackets look and behave very similarly. You’ll find the bright yellow and black insects in the backyard, at picnics and other outdoor activities. Continue Reading


Ticks are the leading carriers of vector-borne diseases to humans in the United States, second only to mosquitoes worldwide. In most circumstances, it is not the tick bite but the toxins, secretions, or organisms in the tick’s saliva transmitted through the bite that cause disease. How to avoid getting bitten Continue Reading

Restore the Earth 

At Universal Pest Services, we are committed to trying to keep your home and yard pest-free, while also  remaining environmentally conscious. Through the years, we have gone to great lengths to develop methods that target pests with the least amount of chemical product. We don’t believe trading one health or Continue Reading

Periodical Cicadas

This year will mark the reemergence after 17 years of Brood X, or the Great Eastern Brood, of periodical cicadas – those large, winged, kind of scary-looking but mostly harmless flying insects known for their almost deafening buzz. “The end of May through June, it can get pretty loud – Continue Reading