Spotted Lanternfly

Introduction Spotted lanternfly, is an invasive planthopper, native to Asia, that was first detected in southeastern Pennsylvania in 2014. It feeds on many plants, including economically important crops like grapevines and ornamentals. Identification and Life Cycle There is one generation of Spotted Lanternfly per year. The eggs are laid in Continue Reading

In2Care Mosquito Trap

Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever and Zika virus are rapidly spreading in tropical regions throughout the world. Their vector, the Aedes mosquito, is difficult to control as it divides its eggs over various small and hard to find breeding sites and has become resistant to chemical insecticides. The In2Care Mosquito Trap effectively attracts and kills Aedes mosquitoes with novel and green ingredients that Continue Reading

Carpenter Ant

Characteristics: Moderately sized mature colonies contain more than 3,000 workers with one queen per colony (colonies may contain satellite nests that consist of workers, larvae, and pupae; together with the main colony, the total population may exceed 15,000). Nests usually originate in moist, decayed wood and voids and may later Continue Reading

Pavement Ant

Origin: Believed to originate from either Europe or Asia, but found commonly throughout the east coast states and California, and less commonly in the Midwest. Biology: The common name of these ants is derived from their habit of creating nests under asphalt or concrete slabs, pushing small mounds of soil out Continue Reading